Monday, July 27, 2009


Just paid a visit to treat a lady who is suffering from Sciatica living in Nagueles in Marbella.

If you've ever suffered from this it's extremely painful and can be debilitating (especially for a young mum who needs to be active and keep her wits about her with a toddler in tow!) Sciatica can be brought on for many different reason ie pressure of baby and altering of posture during pregnancy, shortening of Piriformis muscle in pelvis girdle etc

The Sciatic nerves exit the lumbar vertebrae (bones in the lower spine) and run down each leg.
They are the longest and largest nerves in the body and if irritated for any reason, can be excruciatingly painful making it difficult for people to sit or even stand comfortably. They can also mean that we lose 'power' to leg making it impossible to walk properly.

After a combined treatment of STR techniques (specialist style massage direct to the area) and working Reflex points on the feet, my client was able to at least walk properly again.

She'll need follow up treaments for several weeks to totally eleviate the current issue, then we will work on some rehablitation exercises to ensure we reduce the risk of it's return.

To help avoid this client's form of Sciatica, make sure you stretch out your hamstrings (muscles in the back of the thighs) and also your Gluteal muscles (buttox) as when these become too short they can begin to put pressure on the Sciatic nerves leading to irritation.

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